Dot by dot

1 min readDec 3, 2020

Less than 3 cm separate your continuous moles
all fascinating
holding up an infinite amount of possibilities
that could either blossom or annihilate me

I could spent the rest of my days counting them
measuring the exact distance in which they’re perfectly laid out
grueling labor that can’t seem to let me go

Each of them has a unique, discreet way to seduce
whispering closely, slowly
‘there’s no better place you’de rather be; here, you’re whole’
I succumb

As I unite the last trace I realize
it’s not a galaxy I’ve found and exposed
it’s a joint string, entwining me
‘there’s no better place you’d rather be; all our strings and spheres bleed for the other, scream their absence, burst out of sorrow
here, we bloom
here, we’re whole’

